Thanks to the 50+ people who showed up to the print work party at Pratt Fine Arts Center on Saturday! Together we screenprinted over 250 posters and 500 postcards in just two hours.
If you are going to the March For Our Lives – Seattle you can pick up a poster at the Pratt print studio (yellow building at the corner of S Main and 20th Ave S) between 9 am and 7 pm through Friday the 23rd. You can also pick up postcards to use to write to your state, local, and federal reps and advocate for guncontrol.
After posting images on social media with the various poster designs, we received some feedback on the “Ban Automatic Weapons Now” poster. Commenters let us know that automatic weapons have been effectively banned in the US and have been for some time.
As with much of the discussion over guns, this is both true (1934 NFA Act and subsequent amendments) and untrue (you can still purchase automatic weapons if they were manufactured before 1986 and are legally registered with the federal government). Semiautomatic weapons were also banned between 1994 and 2004.
Claire says “As the designer of the “Ban Automatic Weapons Now” poster, it was my intention that “Automatic Weapons” be a proxy for all types of automatic weapons—including semiautomatic, and modified semiautomatic weapons.”
Here are a couple articles if you’d like to learn more:…/aftermath-orlando-gop-sen-ron-…/…/fully-auto-vs-semi-auto-th…
If you feel uncomfortable marching with the wording on poster as it is, we encourage you to modify the poster or carry a different one.
Help spread the word about our events or share photos of your experience by using the hashtag #printworkparty
Thanks again for your activism and we’ll see you in the streets!